Horses of any age may be ridden two handed in a snaffle or an approved bosal. Horses ridden in a shank bit must be ridden one handed. Along with individual classes OFQHA offers 2 series classes:
Versatility Ranch Horse: The purpose is to recognize the horse that is an all around athlete. The following classes are required and counted for Versatility Ranch Horse – Ranch Cutting, Box Drive Box, Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, and Ranch Conformation.
Rookie Rider: The purpose is to recognize the horse and rider combination that has received the most points in the following classes – W/T Ranchmanship, W/T Trail, W/T Ranch Riding, & Green Boxing.
Horse/Rider Combination Class Rules
You may not enter the same horse/rider combination in both Walk/Trot, and Walk/Trot/Lope (Canter) Classes. This includes but is not limited to Ranch Riding, Trail, and Ranchmanship Classes.
You also may not enter the same horse/rider combination in the Green classes and Adult Classes.
Green Cutting – Cutting/Herdwork or Ranch Cutting; Green Reining – Ranch Reining or Ranch Boxing; Green Boxing – Boxing or Ranch Boxing or Cutting
If you have any questions on this please contact us. Thank you.
Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse Association 448 N. Raccoon Rd.