Go to Horseshow.com
Please submit one entry for each Horse/Rider Combination
Couple things to double check:
If you do not know your member number, we will look it up for you.
If you have a back number you want to use MAKE SURE TO ADD IT
If you had a back number for horse/rider combo MAKE SURE TO USE/ADD IT
If your number is a duplicate we will assign you a new number
If you do not have a number we will assign one to you at the show
Online Entries will be accepted until 7am SHOW DAY
PRE REGISTERING is a HUGE help for the Office please consider
YOU MUST CHECK IN AT THE OFFICE PRIOR TO THE SHOW, entries must be paid before your first class (cash or check)
If you don't know which classes simple register for ones you know FOR SURE and adds can be added all day with an Open Check
Stalls Reservations will be first come/first paid - Send an email to OFQHAshows@gmail.com for number of stalls to be reserved and we will send back on invoice for payment.